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Identifying peak startup times and staggering machine startup
Identifying peak startup times and staggering machine startup
Tania Siska avatar
Written by Tania Siska
Updated over a week ago

Guidewheel's Calculations and Diagnostics pages can help you assess patterns in when you are hitting peak kVA. First, pull up the last few weeks in Calculations and scroll down to Peak. Select Apparent Power (kVA) max, and check if there is a pattern to when daily peaks are happening. By pulling up Total/All Devices, you can also assess which machines are hitting their peak kVA at the same time as the overall daily peak.

Next, pull up a week or two of overall Apparent Power (kVA) trend in the Diagnostics page. Explore machine Apparent Power patterns in Diagnostics to identify the root causes of the peaks. 

If you notice a particular machine is contributing to the overall peak, explore if the start times of any of those machines can be staggered without affecting operations. Test the impact of staggering startup by assessing before/after in Diagnostics and Calculations. 

You can also use Guidewheel Alerts to send an SMS to operators to support staggered startups, i.e. sending an alert that kVA is high and no machines should be started until 10 min have passed. 

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