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Optimizing compressed air systems
Tania Siska avatar
Written by Tania Siska
Updated over a week ago

The first step to use Guidewheel to help optimize your compressed air systems is to use Diagnostics to assess loaded/unloaded pattern for each compressor, and ensure it matches the expected pattern of loading/unloading. 

Secondly, if you have multiple compressors, you can use the Groups function in the Calculations area of the Guidewheel platform to analyze total kWh use of the Compressed Air system as a whole. After fixing all the leaks in your compressed air system, you can use the cumulative consumption to determine a rough baseline from which you can flag the presence of leaks once they recur (some leaks can be undetectable to the human ear, but cause substantial energy costs!). 

Once you have fixed leaks and determined the baseline, you can also use the Calculations function to test the impact of different settings on energy consumption across the compressors. For example, applying a master-controller system can significantly improve efficiency at minimal cost.

Additionally, you can assess compressor/machine pressure settings, using Guidewheel Calculations, Productions and machine Groups functions to assess which settings improve efficiency without impacting operations, and optimize settings accordingly. 

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