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Uptime: Shift View

In Shift View, the team can see performance of machines on a specific shift to see if goals were met and identify periods of downtime.

Tania Siska avatar
Written by Tania Siska
Updated over a week ago

Guidewheel Uptime: Shift View

In Shift View, anyone on the team can see performance of machines on a specific shift to see if goals were met and identify periods of downtime.

Shift View Options

Shift Selection: Use the shift dropdown menu and calendar to select which shift and date to view. All shifts defined and enabled in the Settings -- > Configuration -- > Shifts section will appear in the dropdown menu. The currently displayed shift (date and time frame) will be listed at the top center of the screen just above the charts. Note that the display area will be grey if the selected shift is scheduled in the future.

Search Bar: Use the search bar to filter the view of machines on the shift.

Device Groups: Use the device groups down drop menu to filter the view of machines by device group.

Display: Select either ‘Grid’ or ‘Table’ in the upper right to toggle between the grid view and table view for the machines.

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