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Guidewheel Trends Page

In “Trends”, anyone on the team can see the performance of each shift at a glance.

Tania Siska avatar
Written by Tania Siska
Updated over a week ago

Guidewheel Trends Page

In “Trends”, anyone on the team can see the performance of each shift at a glance. Everyone can know if we reached the runtime % goal, or if we exceed the downtime % target.

Trends Page Options

Table View – This will display the data in a table view. The suggested filters will provide built in filters for Shift Runtime (%), Day Runtime (hours), and Shift Idle (%).

Chart View – This will display the data in a chart along with the trend lines.

Unit – Data can be displayed by percentages, hours, or minutes.

Shifts – The shifts that have been defined in Guidewheel (Settings -> Configurations -> Shifts) will be displayed here. Note that the data for the defined shifts can be toggled on or off by clicking the check box. Shifts can also be toggled on or off in the Settings section if desired.

Selected Devices – Select this drop-down menu to choose the devices you wish to display on the graph. This option makes it easy to compare devices or display statistics based on a group of devices.

Select Dates – Choose this drop-down menu to select the date range to display on the graph. For your convenience, common date selects will be displayed to the left, including options such as last 7 days, last 14 days, etc. To select a range of dates, first select the ‘from’ date and then select the ‘to’ date. The data in displayed will be updated once the selection is made.

Toggles – Note that Runtime, Idle, Offline, and Trendline can be toggled on or off in the chart by clicking the Runtime, Idle, Offline and/or Trendline icons on the top right near the print icon.

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