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Optimizing pumps
Tania Siska avatar
Written by Tania Siska
Updated over a week ago

Use Guidewheel's Production feature to track energy use per cubic meter of water pumped to be able to use the most energy-efficient pumps more

  • On the Settings page, you can create a Shift that reflects whatever time period (from hour to month) is most effective for you to measure for each pump. 

  • On Production page, choose the pump in question (or create a Pumps group in Settings), and log amount of water pumped for the Shift you want to evaluate. The system will automatically calculate and graph kWh used per unit of water pumped.

  • Using the graph, you can then compare kWh used per unit of water pumped to understand which pumps are most efficient. You can also explore any significant variations in Diagnostics to understand what happened during more or less efficient periods of pumping.

Use Guidewheel Diagnostics to identify peak times and adjust pump times and schedules not to overlap with peaks (as discussed above in the Peaks section above)

Consider soft-starters, which can improve equipment lifetime in addition to reducing peaks. You can test out the impact of soft-starters on peaks using the data on Peaks by selecting kVA and Max in the Guidewheel Calculations page. 

Use Guidewheel Diagnostics and Production to set baseline once all maintenance has been conducted (includes lubrication, adjustments, and contaminants removal). 

  • Then you can set Guidewheel alerts for increases in kW or kVA above normal levels, and/or track and monitor the Production graph showing pump efficiency to flag increases that might indicate maintenance needs

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