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Track Planned Downtime

Differentiate between Planned and Unplanned Downtime in Guidewheel

Tania Siska avatar
Written by Tania Siska
Updated over a year ago

Guidewheel allows you to differentiate between planned downtime (for example, planned maintenance) and unplanned downtime (for example, a mechanical issue) and remove planned downtime from your Run Time calculation. This gives you accurate visibility into your true Run Time.

How to set up

Turn the feature on

Before this feature can be used it must be enabled in your Guidewheel instance by a Guidewheel CSM or TAM. Contact your CSM or Account Manager to have this turned on.

Create “Planned” tags

To create planned issues, you must first create tag(s) of type “Planned.” This tag can then be added to an issue to mark that issue as planned downtime.

  • Navigate to Settings>Configurations>Tags

  • Create a new tag of type “Planned” and name the tag.

  • We recommend creating planned tags for common reason

Schedule Planned issues

Planned issues can be created with future dates/times to schedule periods of planned downtime. For example, they can create a specific planned issue for a period of scheduled maintenance or a recurring daily issue for scheduled breaks or lunch times.

  • Navigate to Issues and click “New Issue” button on top right corner.

  • Select the machine and timeframe and add a tag of type “Planned.”

Snooze alerts

You can choose to “snooze” alerts for periods of planned downtime. If you choose to do this, you will not receive any alerts about downtime for issues that are tagged as “Planned.”

  • Navigate to Settings>Configurations>Planned Downtime

  • Toggle the “Snooze alert” button to snooze alerts during periods of planned downtime.

Remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations

There are three options for removing planned downtime from your Uptime calculations.

  • Option 1: Off. No changes to the way Uptime is calculated.

  • Option 2: Standard. Planned downtime is removed from total Uptime. Running + Idle + Offline = 100%. Note that this method will produce Uptime calculations over 100%. This is the recommended option for most customers because it incentivizes the right behavior across the team. For example, imagine a machine is down for 80% of a shift due to planned downtime. Unless the planned downtime is removed from Uptime calculations, the Uptime for that shift will look terrible, through no fault of the people working that machine on that shift.

  • Option 3: Special. Planned downtime is included in overall Uptime. Running + Idle + Offline + planned downtime = 100%. In some cases this method is preferred.

How to use Planned Downtime

When you begin using Planned Downtime, you’ll notice a new purple color on your charts. This color represents periods of planned downtime. If you choose to remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations, Uptime numbers throughout the system will be impacted. Here’s an overview of what to expect in each part of the Guidewheel application once you’ve turned this on.

  • Uptime - Periods of planned downtime are represented at purple bars and if you’ve chosen to remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations, Uptime numbers will reflect this.

  • Trends - Periods of planned downtime are represented as purple bars and if you’ve chosen to remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations, planned downtime will be removed from the table view.

  • Scoreboard - Periods of planned downtime are removed from the Scoreboard view (Run Time and OEE views).

  • Production - If you’ve chosen to remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations, periods of planned downtime are removed from the Run Time calculation.

  • Issues - Issues tagged as “Planned” will appear on the Issues page as type “Planned.” You can also filter the page to show only Planned type issues.

  • Cycles - If you’ve chosen to remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations, all planned downtime is removed from Uptime calculations on the Cycles page.

  • Email reports - If you’ve chosen to remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations, all planned downtime is removed from Uptime calculations.

  • Feed - If you’ve chosen to remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations, all planned downtime is removed from Uptime calculations.

  • Sidekick - If you’ve chosen to remove planned downtime from Uptime calculations, all planned downtime is removed from Uptime calculations.

If you previously entered planned downtime manually

Please contact your CSM to get this feature set up properly for you to ensure you’re not double-counting planned downtime.

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