We’re excited to announce a new enhancement that helps users track Scrap more easily and in real-time.
You can now directly record Scrap in the Production page or in Sidekick in real-time.
How does it work?
In the Production page
You can now directly record Scrap in the Waste section of your Completed or In-Progress Production Entries.
Once you save the entry, this will automatically aggregate all recorded Scrap to give you an accurate Waste value; then your OEE value will automatically update to show you the most accurate numbers.
Timestamped Scrap events with comments and Scrap Tags will be also be useful with root cause analysis when reviewing your production runs.
In Sidekick
You can also record Scrap and tag causes in real-time.
Use tags and notes to document the causes of scrap in real-time, which helps with collecting data accurately.
This will help your team take proactive steps to manage and reduce common issues so you can resolve issues before it's too late.
Each time you record Scrap, your Waste and OEE numbers will also update, helping you track your performance at all times.
How does this work with existing Waste values?
All previous Waste values will be automatically turned into Scrap events to make this transition seamless. These entries will be configured to have their timestamp match the end of the existing Production Entry.
In the event of overlapping Production Entries (highlighted in yellow on the page) there is a chance the total Waste value will be more than expected.
For Waste values entered via CSV Upload, the API, or manually in the Edit tab, these entries will follow the same logic and have their Waste values converted to Scrap events with the timestamp matching the end of the Production Entry.
Note: Scrap events and Production Entries operate independently, so changing the time range on a Production Entry will not automatically update the time of a Scrap event.
Need help setting recording Scrap? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or email [email protected]